Jessika Ava, MS, MPA
About Jessika Ava, MS, MPA
Jessika Ava, MS, MPA is the CEO and founder of Jessika Ava Consulting and Thrive Philanthropy. At Jessika Ava Consulting, Jessika and her team guide donors on effective and compliant international giving decisions. At Thrive Philanthropy, the team increases plant-based food systems in half the world's countries through grants and capacity and directs a grantmaking portfolio of 100+ grants in 80+ countries annually.
Jessika has worked in the non-USA social justice philanthropic sector since 2010 within the sphere of plant-based food systems change and One Health approach to Asian street animal welfare. Her areas of expertise include equitable Trust-Based Philanthropy and decolonization approaches to funding, developing grantmaking meta-evaluations, and strategically facilitating grassroots organizational growth, with a special focus on Global South. Her grantmaking portfolio expands 100+ grantees in 80+ countries and 6 continents.
Jessika's work has led to significant expansion of the plant-based movement worldwide through grants and capacity, particularly in emergent regions where the nascent movement previously was limited or didn't exist.
Jessika holds a Master’s degree in Biostatisics, a Master’s degree in Program Evaluation and Nonprofit Management, and a Bachelor’s degree in Evolutionary Biology from University of Arizona, Portland State University, and University of Oregon.
Jessika is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation tribe and one of the first Native Americans to sit in a leadership position in the vegan philanthropic space.
She has been an ethical vegan since 2007.
Global Plant-Based Food Systems Philanthropy
Jessika Ava, MS, MPA is founder and CEO of Thrive Philanthropy a global grantmaker creating equitable funding access to food justice advocates and reaching half the world's countries and 6 continents, with a grantmaking portfolio of 100+ grants in 80+ countries annually. She works alongside a BIPOC- and women-majority team from both Global South & Global North countries, all with lived social justice experience.
Previously, Jessika developed and led one of the world’s largest international vegan grantmaking and capacity funds, where she successfully facilitated the expansion of the vegan food justice movement across 70+ countries including regions historically neglected for funding and regions with nascent movements such as Africa, SE Asia, and non-English speaking regions.
Africa Equitable Food Systems Movement-Building and Funding
Jessika is founder of Thrive Africa, an initiative that is exponentially growing the plant-based food systems movement across 70% of African countries through grants and capacity. In 2020 after noticing a significant lack of plant-based food systems funding opportunities across sub-Sahara Africa, she launched the Thrive Africa Accelerator to expand Africa regional grant access by using an equity-based participatory co-design approach. To date, results are in increased financial and capacity support to over 500 Africa-based food systems organizations and advocates. She is cofounder of Thrive Africa Vegan Restaurant Week and Thrive Africa Vegan School Lunch Campaign, the world's first two pan-Africa, domestically-led initiatives to advance plant-based eating across 20+ African countries. In 2022, after noticing a significant lack of women-identified leadership in the Africa plant-based food systems space, she launched the Thrive Africa Vegan Women's Initiative, an initiative increasing gender equity in Africa grant funding and whose membership currently grows 500% annually.
Board & Leadership Services
Jessika is cofounder of A Just World, an organization that strengthens food justice organizations across India. She sits on the Board of Directors of A Just World, Animal Alliance Asia, and Out to Pasture Animal Sanctuary, and the Advisory Board of multiple non-USA organizations.
International Speaker
Jessika is an international speaker and workshop leader and has presented at numerous conferences to thousands of people in India, China, Vietnam, Kenya, Germany, Nepal, USA, and other countries across North America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. Speaking topics include equitable funding approaches, high-impact food systems change tactics, program evaluations, and more.
Global South Experience
Jessika has significant Global South living and working experience and splits her residence between USA and Nepal, she formerly lived and worked full-time in India and then in Nepal.
Asia - NGO Management, Elephant Conservation, Halting India Industrial Dairy Farms
Jessika has worked as an Asian elephant conservation biologist in Northeast India, has managed a street dog shelter NGO in Nepal, has overseen a grant portfolio for India street animal welfare to multiple Indian organizations using the One Health approach, made 50+ site visits to SE Asia animal shelters, facilitated multiple partnerships with SE Asia animal shelters and sterilizations programs, and she laid the foundational work to halt the entrance of India’s first intensive dairy factory farm. Jessika has worked or volunteered with multiple vegan and animal advocacy organizations across India and Nepal and previously lived fulltime in India and then Nepal.
In 2024, Jessika was granted an acknowledgment of appreciation by the Nepal Environmental Minister for her longstanding work across Asia.
Jessika is the author of Brighter Green’s policy paper, Beyond the Pail: The Emergence of Industrialized Dairy Systems in SE Asia.
Academic Degrees
Jessika has an MS in Biostatistics from the University of Arizona, an MPA in Nonprofit Management and Program Evaluation from Portland State University, and a BS in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology from University of Oregon.
Indigenous Fellowships
Jessika has been a Rockwood Leadership Equity in Philanthropy Fellow, Sloan Indigenous Scholar Fellow, and American Indian Graduate Fellow. She is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation tribe and one of the first Native Americans to sit in a leadership position in the vegan philanthropic space.
Jessika Ava, MS, MPA and her team can be hired for philanthropic consultation services or speaking engagements, or you can contribute to Thrive Philanthropy's Global Food System Grantmaking Fund to have a global impact on just, plant-based food systems worldwide. Details can be found on our homepage and at Thrive Philanthropy's website.
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"Jessika doesn't just offer grants, she changes lives."
Jessika's grants program is one of the best globally, supporting organizations and activists in the global south for developing regionally relevant campaigns suited to local contexts. Our programs are strengthened by the mentorship we receive from jessika and her team.
Jessika brings a deep knowledge of animal protection organisations across the globe, and an objective sense check on the state of civil society affairs in many countries across the world. She's an amazing networker who has extensive experience in quantitative evaluation, research design, impact assessment, and international leadership.
"Jessika has built a robust global network and developed innovative and timely programs that respond to gaps in the animal protection movement. I especially appreciate her commitment to equity and to prioritizing the needs of grantees. She is a true asset to the movement."
"Jessika has a competent cross-cultural lens and appreciates how the grantees she supports employ their activism with consideration of their socioeconomic, political, and cultural orientation. For these reasons and many more, I wholeheartedly recommend Jessika for any nonprofit or international projects."
"Jessika is one of the most professional, kind, and intelligent people I have ever had the pleasure to work with. I was so impressed with her knowledge that I asked her to join the board of an organization where I was an Executive Director. I have collaborated with many board volunteers throughout my career and Jessika is hands-down the most reliable, engaged, and valuable board member I have ever worked with. Jessika brings her A-game to every task before her and does so with the utmost diligent professionalism. She is thoughtful, mindful of being inclusive, and very proficient in her craft."
"I sit on a Board of Directors with Jessika and we have worked together closely for over a year. Jessika is one of the kindest, most thoughtful, and sincere individuals, that I have worked with over the course of my professional career. Jessika possesses a broad range of unique and valuable skills. She is proficient in organizational development, strategic planning, and nonprofit legal compliance. Due to her vast international network, she's able to ascertain need gaps in her sector and build cross-sector bridges to fill these gaps."
"Your grant has enabled us to expand from a community to a business non profit organisation, working with local plant-based groups and international companies looking to enter the Singapore market. This has been instrumental in providing a platform for these companies and positioning plant-based as mainstream. "
"Your help...has allowed us to shift from a volunteer-run group to an established and nationally recognized organization."